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Living Your Life Through Perspective

What do you see here? Is it a half empty glass? or maybe you think it's half full. Either way you can never go "wrong" with your choice. I put wrong in quotations because there is no objective right or wrong only perspective. We push our moral code on others based on a "feeling" that it's right, but what makes you more right than the next person who is living their life by those exact same feelings. The answer is nothing, everyone is driven by an innate moral compass formed by their culture, peers, family, religion and your individual idiosyncrasies. What is morally acceptable constantly changes over time as our perspective expands and our beliefs change.

The Golden Rule

There's one phrase that has managed to stand the test of time regarding morality, "Do onto others as you would like them do onto you." It comes in many different versions from varying time periods, from different religions but they all essentially promote the same message. it's a simple concept but this completely disregards the fact that people have different wants and needs. It promotes selfishness and a lack of empathy. Following this line of logic you're doing something for someone that makes you happy without taking into consideration what actually makes them happy. Do you see how this way of thinking is flawed? It's assuming that we all desire the same thing and it nullifies the drive to seek perspective because we presume we all want the same things. This is dangerous, it drives us apart; we don't take the time out to understand each other. Humans in general seem to dislike confrontation so it would be a cycle of people receiving what they don't want and being unhappy, but it's easier to put on a fake smile than to actually ask for what you want. It encourages us to never seek out new perspective to add to our current knowledge and we imprisons ourselves in this echo chamber where we only accept what appeals to our way of thinking. You can't accept revelations from new perspectives because you conditioned yourself to believe your perspective is the one and only truth and you get overwhelmed when there are multiple viewpoints that oppose your own. Emotionally detach yourself from your thoughts and understand that you don't know everything, there's always new things to learn. Be open to new ideas, be curious and engage with others more. The phrase sounds good but dig a little deeper and you'll discover that the Golden rule is the embodiment of selfishness. Narcissists and Machiavellian people may use that simple rule to manipulate others.

Why You Shouldn't Get Attached To Your Perspective

You shouldn't get attached to your perspective for the simple fact that when you're attached to something it's hard to leave it behind. We shouldn't get attached to it because like most things in our life perspective is dynamic, at least it should be. When you're attached you run into the problem of not being able to alter your mindset with your newfound perspective and when you're not changing you're stagnant, in other terms you're in hell. What is life if you're not growing, constantly experiencing new things and learning. Being stagnant is literally doing the same thing over and over, that's hell to me. Just go with the flow most things on this physical plain are temporary no need to get too attached and limit yourself. That attachment can easily become dependency and now you have to keep upholding those same values even when you receive information that proves your standpoint otherwise. Now you use your perspective to validate your actions and feelings when in reality you're restricting yourself and your potential. You can't even respect the idea of somebody else having a different perspective than you because the concept is so foreign and you have deluded yourself into thinking that your ideals hold more importance than the somebody else's. People need to share their perspective and experiences because it opens up doors and new ideas, it also makes us understand each other more and become more tolerant and understanding.

Why Is It Important To Acquire New Perspective?

Acquiring new perspective means you have the courage to challenge your own beliefs and ideologies. It also means that you're curious and willing to learn more, which will result in forming more meaningful relationships with people and finding resolutions to problems that will benefit both sides. With lack of perspective there comes one sided thinking and just like that you've missed out on a chance to attain valuable information.

It's best to approach situations as unbiased as possible so you can make the best decision using multiple perspectives. That little ounce of information you get learning from others can open paths with different ideologies, philosophies, and theories. Just by you humbling yourself and being open to receive knowledge your horizons will expand and you will be able to navigate through your life way more efficiently and make better decisions. Now you have the ability to share your perspective with others and the cycle will continue as long as people are willing to learn. Acknowledging perspective can give you more understanding of what it actually means to be human and experience different things. You appreciate that people have different ideas and ways of thinking, you're blessed enough to be able to hear people share their thoughts and you can share yours.

Living With A Spiritual Perspective

We understand that we're all one and we're connected to something larger than ourselves. We begin to get information and knowledge way past the realm of the third dimension. We grow as people and begin to see this world for what it really is. This materialistic world means nothing to you when you begin to view life through a spiritual lens. Yes the cars, and the big houses and the fame are nice but at the end of the day when you're stripped from your possessions what are you? You begin to look past the surface level and situations that would seem negative because of your limited perspective begin to look like blessings because you can see the bigger picture. You know those trials and tribulations are obstructions put there to facilitate your growth and it is your duty to overcome it. We develop a constant drive to learn more about ourselves and the things around us. We want to share that knowledge so people can grow the same way we have. We're all one, by helping others you're basically helping yourself. By sharing with others we can raise our collective consciousness as people.

Read books, Research, Just take time out to process your thoughts and think. There's nothing more valuable in this world than wisdom. Yes, I'd say this is even more precious than time, as with wisdom you know how to actually manage your time. Always try to look at life and situations from multiple perspectives.

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