Yes you want to live extravagantly with exotic cars, mansions and private jets or if you're just like me you want to live a comfortable carefree life. People often call manifestation a "myth" and I can see why. Three days of repeating affirmations in a mirror is not enough to manifest your desires. People are so engrossed with the law of attraction that they forget about the law that works in conjunction with it, that is the fifth law of the universe, The Law Of Inspired Action.
Table of Contents
What is the Law of Attraction
The correlation between Emotion and Law of Attraction
What is The Law of Inspired Action
How to use The Law of Inspired Action
Why is The Law of Inspired Action important for manifestation
What is the Law of Attraction?
With the practices of spirituality growing more popular by the day there's a chance you've heard the phrase, Law of Attraction. It is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into one's life. Basically what you put out in the universe is what will come back to you.
Ovethinking too far into the future, thinking about the things you don't have or stressing about things you cant' control. It's no wonder it's hard for you to manifest positive things in your life all your energy is channeled towards negativity or things that can't actually help you. Mental energy, physical energy and sexual energy are all the same energy. Therefore, the moment that energy is affected it impacts every aspect of your life, whether negatively or positively.
The correlation between Emotion and Law of Attraction
Our thoughts and idiosyncrasies dictate our emotions and responses to situations "for the most part.". Our feelings are the energy we project into the universe to determine what type of energy we get back. The way someone reacts to a situation can serve as insight to their way of thinking. There are people who can separate their feelings from their thoughts which in my opinion is the optimal way to live, that's one of the many reasons meditation is so important. When you've done it on a consistent basis you slowly begin to understand that "You are not your thoughts."You realize that your thoughts and feelings are different and they may not always be in conjunction with each other.
Observe your thoughts while meditating don't judge, just let them come buy and leave. I visualize my thoughts as a river and let the thoughts flow I observe it, register it and continue to let it flow with the river. You trying to stop those thoughts is like you throwing a boulder into a river. The flow of the river will continue regardless of what you do, the same thing applies to your thoughts as it continues to flow regardless of how much you try to stop it or how you feel. Accept your thoughts while understanding you are not tied to them. Smile more, help others, love and respect yourself and the others around you and practice gratitude doing these thing you'll exude positive energy and you'll receive your blessings.
What is the Law of Inspired Action?
Law of Inspired Action deals with the urge do to something and that strong self motivation we all have within ourselves. It's the ability to put the work in for your goals and not being complacent and comfortable waiting for a handout. We all have that inner drive but it's overshadowed by the instant gratification we're used to and no one is willing to put in the work things we want. It's about taking physical steps achieve what we want and stepping out of our comfort zone. Stepping out of our comfort zones lead to growth and we're that much closer to vibrationally aligning ourselves with the things we want.
How to use the Law of Inspired Action
I mean it's really nothing complicated. Act on your urges and impulses even if you don't understand the purpose of doing that action. It's like a directive from the universe to do something that will push you one step closer to your desire, even if the action is completely unrelated. For example you're having trouble finding a job that pays well for programming and all of a sudden you get this urge to check up on your friend whom you haven't talked to in years. You begin small talk and she mentions her son just started a programming business and as the conversation closes you ask her to put in a good word for you. This is Law of Inspired Action in full effect, the urge for the action looked as though it was completely unrelated to your goal but acting on that urge ended up being advantageous. Being lazy and manifesting work together like oil and water. It shows the universe how little your care about the thing you are trying to manifest and the little effort you're willing to put in to achieve your goals. Make sure you're actively taking steps to manifest what you yearn for. Are you going to simply ignore the feeling or act on it? If you do act on it chances are nothing bad is going to happen, if you miss out that could be an opportunity wasted and you would be oblivious.
Why is the Law of Inspired Action important for Manifestation
As I said manifesting doesn't occur by just reaffirming yourself everyday and thinking positive thoughts, that's only the first step. If you want to be rich don't just imagine yourself being rich, actually be rich. What do I mean by this? Fool yourself into making a new reality when your mindset and beliefs change your actions change to facilitate your new reality. Now you're actually doing things millionaire's do without actually being one. How do the rich stay rich? they invest and make their money make more money. Now because you have the mindset that you're rich your developing habits and actions that are actually going to make you rich. Once you have the mindset the action you take is the last piece of the puzzle and that's what's going to make you achieve the goals you have in mind.
Law of inspired action is one of the most overlooked variables when it relates to manifestation. If you feel that urge act on it and invest your energy into positivity. Remember you only have one energy to go around if it something affects one aspect of your life it's going to affect everything.